We practice walking meditation in Hawaii and I quite enjoy it. However, in Plum Village they've expanded my concept of this very pleasurable exercise. The walk is really more of a very casual stroll. It begins with a song or two while the group is gathered under a large oak tree. The songs are sung first in English, then in French. When the singing is finished the group walks off in silence, down a gravel driveway and then onto a forest lane. The crunch of the gravel gives way to the rustling of the monk's robes and the wind in the trees. The crows caw overhead and the finches chirp amongst the trees. Initally we walk through a forest of scrub oak. Where there are breaks in the trees we look out over vineyards and orchards dotted with farm houses and barns. Eventually we pass into a meadow that glows golden in the sun. Walking on we are on the edge of a small growth of long-needle pines which yield a very sweet smell. All the time we are walking very slowly and deliberately, looking, listening, smelling. The sun passes in and out of the enormous white clouds floating above. Many times, when we are in the sun, the group stops, silent, just basking. We gradually skirt the circumference of the village and arrive back at the giant oak. When we've all gathered again under the tree, we stand silent for a moment and then quietly disperse, each moving into one's own thoughts.
Walking meditation occurred often during my time in Plum Village and each time I felt so refreshed. It is really the same thing I do on the farm when I check the fruit trees, but with a slightly different mindset. I'm going to change that. Any time you'd like to practice walking meditation, come walk with me among the fruit trees.
Walking meditation occurred often during my time in Plum Village and each time I felt so refreshed. It is really the same thing I do on the farm when I check the fruit trees, but with a slightly different mindset. I'm going to change that. Any time you'd like to practice walking meditation, come walk with me among the fruit trees.